Originally Symbiosis was meant to be a durational performance of contemporary dance hosted on the fields of Terra di Ciona. However, the heavy rain of the first days of fall made this project morph into a video. As in the rest of this project, also through the dancing the dancer inspires herself through the perception acquired from the surroundings. The different landscapes and the physical textures led her to improvise on different qualities of movement, all based on her sensing the specific space and time. It aims to be a moment of merging the human body in the natural environment and finding a common space.



I am a performer, dancer, choreographer and dance teacher from Trieste, Italy. After studying ballet, I became fascinated by contemporary dance, the art of exposing humanity and vulnerability through movement – the subjective voice of each body and soul. In 2020 I graduated with honours in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Trieste with a dissertation on The humanisation of the performer with a focus on the British New Dance and the creative process of Julyen Hamilton. Currently I am diving deeper in my dance studies at Oficina ZERO in Porto (Portugal).

I have danced in various productions by Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi Trieste, Teatro Verdi Muggia, Slovene National Theatre of Maribor and I took part in festivals such as ŽIVA (Ljubljana), Invisible Cities (Gorizia) and Approdi (Trieste). In december 2019 I presented my authorial solo Del calore e dell’assenza – stanza bianca (Of warmth and absence – white room) at the Trieste Dance Project Festival.




“Io sono Nadia, soprannominata Ciona da Emma ed Elia, i miei pupi. Non so bene perché, forse perché sono “ricciolona”. Massimo è il mio compagno di avventure e anche mio marito. Fino a ieri ero una grafica/illustratrice, ora sono una contadina. Ma come tutti mi porto in valigia ogni esperienza passata che muta e si adegua al mio nuovo presente radicato nella terra che coltivo. Massimo si occupa di sostenibilità per una grande azienda ma quasi tutti i suoi weekend ormai li dedica alla campagna”.